Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thank goodness for Macs

I have been thinking that my legs and ankles are weakening because I live in a wheelchair and never exercise them properly.

I decided to get out my walker and use it to stand for like 10 minutes when I was watching TV. My big LaZ-Boy is right behind me, so nothing bad could happen, right?

Yeah, I am stupid.

My first standing was OK, tiring but OK.

Tonight I had trouble standing up, then fell backward after like 30 seconds. I landed on the right arm of my chair and bounced over into the chair.

But my head got turned around and the right side banged into my laptop, which was sitting on a little table to the left of my chair. It flew off but luckily landed on my trash can.

And, of course, because it is an awesome MacBook, the fall did not break it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could try leg lifts with ankle weights instead? something less exciting.

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