Saturday, November 3, 2007

Definitely an accident

Dad and I had a rather tense moment today, and unfortunately it involved a wheelchair, not camping (get it? HEE)

I am still at my folks' house even though Claren seems OK now. We had a little party for my folks' birthdays, and I didn't want to miss it ... unlike a certain sister who lives next door.

I was also at their house this morning, and in the same room as Mom and Dad, when I was getting ready to go horseback riding and reached for a shirt.

It was too far in front of me, and I flopped forward and could not get back up. I had my seat belt on, so the concern was the whole chair falling forward, not just me.

I was inching ahead to grab this big shelf and straighten up when Dad yelled: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" That is precisely why I did not ask for help.

I did not want panic to set in and I certainly did not want to be yelled at for falling, so as he was helping me upright I was yelling back that I wasn't doing anything on purpose and it was an accident.

Then he took me to riding.

We all do what we have to do, but it would be a hell of a lot easier without FA.


Anonymous said...

you paint such a vivid picture, i feel as if i were there...

Matt said...

oh, sorry.

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