Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In at 8, out at 4

A friend has been giving me grief lately because I leave work when my shift is over.

She doesn't know that one of the things that makes me a little insecure and vastly unhappy about my job is my inability to easily work after my shift ends.

Now, I know my unionized sister just snapped her pencil in two when she read that, but it's true: I'd like to work more than I am paid for.

Why not, really? I like what I do, especially things that I'd stay late to work on. It's computer work, which is how I spent a good part of my free time. Plus, everyone else does, at least in dotcom. It's almost like a badge of honor, one I will never get.

My friend apologized for mocking me but said she couldn't help it, it was like a bedtime. She didn't know how right she was.

I get home about 4:40, play with Claren for half an hour, then go in and take a nap that allows me to survive the rest of the night until about 10. Then I go to bed and do it all over again.


Anonymous said...

The inside of my cheek is bleeding.



Anonymous said...

pencils duly snapped!

Patrick said...

In a world without overtime... (movie trailer-like pause for dramatic tension)... I completely agree with you. Working after you need to is for the slow and the suckers.

Anonymous said...

Amen Patrick!

Matt's Little Sister

Matt said...

Thank you all. I knew I wasn't crazy.But I would like to be able to.

Anonymous said...

it is work! And you do not need a badge of honor. You already have one.

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