Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Say what?

I returned my hearing aids last week, and while the experience has not soured me on heart aids, it did convince me I am just not very quick-witted.

I don’t remember the actual words the audiologist used when I told her the hearing aids weren't working and I needed to return them but here’s the gist: OK, yeah, I didn't think those would work, but they're what your last audiologist recommended so I figured you must know something.


She went on: let me show you what I suggest, and she wanted me to then buy new aids from her. The new ones, which she emphasized that she thought would work, were significantly less expensive than the ones she originally sold me, which she had assured me would work with my kind of hearing loss.

I pointed out that I thought my hearing required a team approach, which she tried her hardest to deny. She then told me that I would forfeit the $250 restocking fee if I did not order new aids that day.

That is not an insignificant amount of money to me, but I did not want to go through her again, even if the new aids were perfect.

She even pulled out the “you’ll be helping the next person I see with this disease.”

To add insult to costing me $250 and wasting my time with aids she said she did not think would work, when I was checking out, she said: So when do you want to make an appointment to get the new aids? I said I’d call because I didn't know. She replied: I’ll just make it for the first week in October.

I’ll cancel by email; I'm better by email.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go see Gina. This audiologist sounds very sub-par and CLUELESS.

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