Sunday, February 12, 2017

Lighting up Falls Church like a flame

Today is my first anniversary with Fame.

We have not figured out how to fly yet, but she picks up an awful lot pretty easily. The limit really seems to be my imagination.

Lately, I taught her to put down the footplate on my chair. I am still pretty tickled by the ease with which she picked it up and how helpful it is to me.

I haven't figured out how to teach her to put the footplate up. See? Imagination.

No  matter when, she is always up for any command I give (except  speak. She does that if I have treats or if she thinks I really needs it.)

In a year with me, I don't think I have seen her not wag her tail when I ask something of her.

These lines from the song struck me but I am not sure who is who: I got more in me, and you can set it free


Anonymous said...

she's a great pal, Matty.

Anonymous said...

Best dog, best name, and one of the most awesome songs ever. And need I not forget to remark about her top-notch companion.

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