Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Smarter then I

When did you start using your power chair primarily, my nephew asked last night.

I guessed about 2006. He said OK and left. I knew school had just started and planned to ask his mother why he was asking.

But half an hour later he walks in and says, "I thought you might want to read this," hands me a piece of paper and leaves.

It is a report on innovations and inventions, and it begins by saying, "Wheelchairs are one of the greatest inventions of all time ..." He then explains why -- because they enable opportunities people with disabilities would not otherwise have.

I like to hate my wheelchair, and it is annoying at times and not always super comfy. But my nephew is right.


Anonymous said...

Bless his sweet little heart.
xx JTG

Anonymous said...

You have the best nieces and nephews on the planet. We need to remember that because of our disabilities, we have given them strength and understanding for others. And that will be transferred to even more people. It stinks to be a wheelchair user, but children get it and they just absorb and keep on giving. We love you Joe D!

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