Friday, June 1, 2018

More Evil Legs Syndrome

In the lists of medical disorders, Restless Legs Syndrome does not sound that bad. It's not Deadly Legs Syndrome or Murderous Legs Syndrome; heck it isn't even Painful Legs Syndrome.

Of course, anyone who has experienced Restless Legs knows it is one of the worst things ever. The need to jerk your legs continuously is miserable.

I take medicine at night to keep my legs jerk-free, and it usually works.

But this week my legs started jumping and jerking during the day. At first, I blamed an unusually cold  room. My window was open, and someone had turned on my AC, so it kept coming on.

It kept happening, though, worse than ever.

This morning I forgot to take one of my post-procedure pills -- no restless legs. Then I remembered and took it -- almost immediately my legs started jerking.

I googled the medicine. Sure enough, restless legs are a not-unheard-of side effect.

My doctor said I could stop it, but now I have to wait for it to leave my system.

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