Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The local cops cherry tops ripped this holy night

It actually wasn't too holy unless you count being the eve of Mom's birthday or the eve of the WWI Armistice, but I went to bed right as some kind of ruckus started outside my window.

There were several police cars and their lights were shining right into the window. I tried to watch what was happening, but it is hard to sit up in a bed, especially one that is just a twin. Plus, a tree blocked my view.

I did see the officers looking into the car with flashlights, and I worked myself up into thinking they were searching for someone who had probably jumped out right before the cops arrived and who was probably making his way to our house even now, opening the door I didn't lock. Either that, or the bad guy would see my light, decide I had seen too much and come get me.

I actually got up and went to the family room, allegedly to get a comic to read since the lights were too oppressive. Mostly, though, it gave me a chance to check that the door was locked (it was).

Then the police left. Mom, who had a better vantage point upstairs, said everyone drove off in separate directions. Weird.


Anonymous said...

too many comic books making you paranoid about locking the door and the superhero or a bad guy might arrive! Maybe that explains why your brother constantly check to make sure all the doors are locked before he comes to bed each night.

Matt said...

i used to check my door in Herndon as well as the stove and oven. I stopped before moving back here. I am rarely super-paranoid.

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