Sunday, September 25, 2022

Up in the air

 I sent this to my sister Friday night to show off my new lift. (Yes, I am wearing leggings and Uggs. It is fall.)

Less than 15 hours, the remote died with me 10 inches above the toilet.

We chatted with the salesman/installer. Nothing he suggested worked, so with my nephew’s help, we  put the body support back on my manual lift and used the controls on the motor in the ceiling  to park the lift on the charger.

Then I went for a walk.

When I got back, it worked.

The guy had us do a hard restart then and attributes the lift working to that.

I am not so sure, given it was working before the reset.

I have no doubt the company will get it working right. I have less confidence that everything is copacetic now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A good night

I had what qualifies for me as a good night last night.

I fell asleep about 11:15 with the sleep mask on. I slept till 2:20, when I woke  up to use the urinal. 

I fell back asleep about 3, again with the mask and slept till I had to get yp.

Of course, from 2:30 to 3, I was in the shower, while my loving sister changed my bed.

That urinal I used? Apparently, I just freaked I had got one ready.

But no restless legs.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Definitely bad

This’ll be quick but want to throw it out.

I was talking to a diversity person at work about ableist language.

She said we don’t want to use words that suggest being disabled is bad.

A person with a disability is not bad.

I cannot think of much worse than being disabled.

For instance, certain disabilities require you to use closed captions, which can mistranslate the words of a diversity expert (although I don’t think that’s what happened).

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Still standing

 I’m still standing and still loving the new chair.

Front-wheel drive is a challenge. It turns sharply. 

Because of that, I have pinched my arm and finger between the wall and the chair. Making matters worse, my hand has been stuck on the joystick, keeping the pressure on the various body part. 

Two problems deal with Fame.

She doesn’t like not having my lap to drop her ball on when I stand when we are playing. Worse, this chair has two footplates and a cover right above the footplates that she knocks off when trying to put them down. Thinking on what to do.  

But other than that all good.

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