Sunday, November 14, 2010

No tossing me into the pool

I like my swimming teacher. She has an infectious spirit and genuinely seems to care about folks.

I still have no idea, though, whether she was joking when she asked if I'd be OK if she just threw me in the water.

Hardly any volunteers showed up, so I know it would have been better if I could swim on my own. And I had on the fat suit so I floated fine and was pretty sure I'd be OK.

But I didn't think being tossed in would be cool. I mean, if I ever got to the Paralympics, that is totally my plan for getting into the pool: just wheel up to the side of the pool and either just fall in or have someone tip me in. Psych out the competition, I hope.

But I am not there yet, so I said, maybe not throwing but if you gently released me into the water ...

She decided to work with me then.

Actually, she didn't do much besides reminding me to breathe and look backward. She didn't hold me much. Maybe that is why I am so tired.

It might also be because I went rock climbing Friday. I'll write about that when I get the pics.

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