Thursday, November 1, 2012

No Next Day Blinds

I need blinds for my windows -- the sun shines in brightly when i telework.

I won't be getting them through Next Day Blinds, however. It's not just the price, although if I ever pay $4,000 for something, it better do more than block out sun.

Actually, the blinds they offered did do more. They were motorized.

I am hard-pressed to say what annoyed me more about the saleswoman who came out to talk to us.

She never talked to me, even though it was clear it was my money. I assume it was the whole disabled thing. I sympathize with her a bit because I tend to let Mom or my sister take questions when they are around, which they both were, because I hear poorly. But, she was talking about how great service dogs were, and I was answering her, but she talked to Mom. It was weird.

The other problem was that when I had the audacity to say $4,000 was too much, she shut down and basically just packed up. She had no interest in making something work for me. It was "here's the deal: Take it or leave it."

I'll stick with wearing a baseball cap. Cheaper and it doesn't care if I use a chair.


Anonymous said...

She was a dummy and she wore too much perfume. We should have kicked her out when she asked for my email address to email the quote. I should have been a little harsher when I told her to email you since they were your blinds and it was your decision.
We'll figure something out.


Matt said...

Thanks, not really your job, but thanks

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