Sunday, November 5, 2017

I hate my feet

My feet are stupid. They get cold easily, but they also get hot. As a result, I often sleep with my feet outside the covers, a trick I first saw when John Candy did it in Cool Runnings.

This technique seemed to work until last night when I tried to go to sleep after some TV: My feet were cold.

I was unable to cover them up by using my legs, so I pulled out my newest ability: sitting up in bed. The only problem is that leaning forward is still a challenge, and this time I fell to the right, trapping my arm between the bed and my chair.

I was unable to activate Siri on my watch to call for help (I took off the case to prevent this from happening in the future), and a few times I did feel the panic rising inside me. But I wasn't in pain. So I swallowed the panic and wiggled my right arm until it was free.

I then used both ams to sit up, but I fell over to the right again. And wiggling only wedged me into my chair and hurt my back. Once again, I was starting to panic.

I thought about asking Fame to speak. I have been working on this, but I was worried that asking it of her would take pretty much all my energy, meaning if she didn't, I'd be screwed.

Instead, I managed to flop my whole body over, turn on my chair and drive it out of the way.

The path clear, I oozed onto the floor, leading with my head. I then turned over and used Siri to call my sister.

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