Sunday, July 7, 2024

A nice breeze

 I don't really remember either of my grandfathers. They died when I was like 7 and 10. 

I really just have images, which might not even be memories but things  I heard about or photos I saw. 

For instance, I remember getting a little slot machine game from one of my grandfathers for Christmas. My parents had bought it because he didn't shop, and I remember him opening the present himself and being like ‘“let's see what I got you.”

The other one, who died when I was 7, I don't have many memories or even images of him. 

I do see him lying on a chaise  lounge in a jacket, but I have seen pictures of that, so I suspect it's just a memory the photo.

Nevertheless, I have been thinking about that grandfather a lot recently. With my temperature regulation issues, it is more comfortable for me to sit out in the 95-degree, humid-as-all-get-out weather than it is to sit inside. 

I am sure this is not a memory but something I have been told by Mom. Apparently, in the summer he would sit outside, and when someone would ask him if he was hot, he would say a nice breeze was blowing to keep him cool. 

It was obviously much much cooler 40 years ago when he would have been sitting in the sun than it is today. But I feel the same way. 

I suspect he would not be sitting outside on days like today given that he did not have Friedreich's ataxia, but I do like to think he might be out there with me. There really is a nice breeze.

1 comment:

Mike McCauley said...

Hi Matt, I read your ordeal about manipulating the sidewalks of Falls Church. It sounds unfun but challenging - like the time you got stuck along the way and had to be pulled out! I can see you doing a photo diary devoted to sidewalk/road crossings accompanied by your narrative-maybe with maps. I wonder if things will improve with all the new high-rises- or it could be worse. I think better, though. Except you might not go in that direction. It could be that some of the residents will want to advocate for improvements. I wonder if you ever go on the Old Dominion Trail. We have a trail right across from the house that we walk on most days for a mile up and a mile back. It is refreshing since we've been going early in the A.M. I'm trying to open the magazine now if the fish monster doesn't scare me off! I've tried several times without being able to get to the magazine - due to my incompetence, but I'm determined to get it this time. Mike

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