Sunday, August 4, 2024

A sensible risk

Whenever my sister leaves me alone in the house, she says something like don't be stupid. This means don't take risks.

Now, regardless of whether she's here or not, I kinda use it as a mantra.

For instance, I said it to myself as I was recently preparing to unbuckle my seatbelt to get into the lift. The lift was about five feet away still, so I chose to move the lift closer before I undid my seatbelt.

The problem is, and I know she knows this, when you have Friedreich's ataxia , it is hard not to take risks. If I didn't take risks, I would bed in bed 24 hours a day, which is modestly more than I am now, not a tremendous amount more, especially on the weekend.

What I need is to take sensible risks.

What is a sensible risk?

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