Saturday, February 25, 2023

Hannibal Lecter slept here

I do NOT look like this.

I woke up at 6:30 with my alarm Thursday morning and gave Fame her pre-breakfast pill. Then, because I was sure it was Saturday, I went back to sleep. This led to my sister having to wake me up (“Hannibal Lecter” as she described me to Mom because of my sleep mask). 

I heard my alarm Friday, and, determined to avoid a repeat of the day before, removed my mask and was about to begin preparing for the day. “Why am I so tired?” I wondered as my eyes strayed to my clock. Probably because it was 2:18 a.m., and the alarm must have  been a dream alert. I went back to sleep, without the mask.

I then woke up to my alarm again and got Fame’s pill out. She didn't come eagerly over to my bed to get it as she does on hearing the alarm. Probably because it was another dream alert.

On Saturday, it was all I could do not to get ready for the day ahead, sure it was a weekday.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Best game ever


My little family, as Mom calls my sister’s family, is big into hockey.

I wish I liked it more, but my eyes don’t work well enough to follow the puck.

I like going to my nephew’s and niece’s games because I like supporting them. There is little I wouldn’t do for them, even get blurry-eyed in a cold rink.

At my nephew’s game yesterday, I figured the best part would be Fame doing an up to watch the warmups. She was quite interested.

Shortly after the game started, though, the puck bounced into the corner right in front of where we were standing behind the glass. One of my nephew’s opponents skated in to retrieve it and was almost immediately smushed into the glass by someone on my nephew’s team. As the battled for the puck and the opponent took a few more checks, I realized the checkee was my sweet little nephew, who’s not so little.

It was great and hilarious. He scored in each of his other  weekend games, but this was better. I can’t follow goals, but I followed this scrum.

Oh, and I really was standing at the boards for the entire game.

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