Monday, September 3, 2007


I went to an open house party today. My friend retired last month and is leaving for South Africa on Sunday.

I met her because she raised service dogs, so a lot of people there were comfortable with disabilities. Not all those people, though, know that I am awful hard of hearing.

At noisy gatherings, I normally just try to fudge it if I don't hear somebody. I nod, say "OK" and smile. That didn't work tonight.

This guy asked me something and I nodded, said "OK," then smiled. After each one, he still looked at me kind of confused and kind of expectantly.

I stuttered and smiled some more, but the darn guy just continued to look at me expectantly.

Finally, I just said, "I'm speechless." He stopped looking expectant, now he just looked confused.

Probably because I just said I was speechless when he asked how old I was or something.

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