Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dreaming of NYC

I sent my RSVP for that book party, saying I just could not figure out how to get to NYC. Mom argues that that is not exactly true.

In the book, the guy yells at his dad for not being there to help him through life. I told Mom I am similarly mad at myself because I cannot count on my body for basically anything, such as easily getting to NYC.

Mom was not buying the comparison. She said that I could get to NYC ... if money was not an issue.

In a way, she is perhaps correct: If I did not mind spending $500 to $1,000 for a weekend, I could fly or train up, stay in a nice hotel and return Tuesday.

But I will never be rich enough to disregard the extra costs I must pay because of my shiftless body.

A friend of a friend had this status update on his Facebook page: "is thinking about going to NYC one of the next two weekends. Got a couch I can crash on? :)"

How many people have a wheelchair-accessible home and bathroom? Even in my family it is not the norm.

I don't "crash." I wish I could, though. I'd also like to drive and to walk and to run and maybe a pony.

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