Sunday, July 6, 2008

Put me in coach

Dad put a drawing at the foot of my bed. It is from the 1982 NFC championship game when the Washington Redskins demolished the evil Dallas Cowboys. It shows the offensive line paving the way for John Riggins, who is shown as a tractor-trailer.

I must have looked like an offensive lineman when I went for my trike ride yesterday. Well, except I am not 6-foot-6, weighing 300 pounds. Actually, the only linemen-ish thing was that my feet were wrapped tightly in ace bandages.

I talked to a therapist about how my ankle splays when I ride, and she suggested an “AFO.” This kind of brace should help, but the wraps did mostly the same thing. They kept my ankle from giving out, so it was a good ride.

I want to get some new bike shoes, more high-top than my current shoes, and with the fancy laces that my new shoes have. You just pull them up and they lock, kind of. And I want to e-mail this guy and see if he uses any kind of braces, but I am more hopeful about riding than I have been in a while. Not that I'll be setting any speed records.

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