Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dieting the FA way

The last two nights, I have not eaten all my dinner.

I am not sick and I was plenty hungry when I sat down on the couch to eat.

But both nights, I started coughing uncontrollably. Not choking. I could breath, but last night a piece of carrot lodged under my tongue and tonight a piece of turkey burger tickled my palette constantly.

My plate or bowl was on my lap, so I suspect anyone knows what happened next.

And now you know not only how I stay thin but why Mom has to sweep constantly in the family room.


Anonymous said...

it is definitely not the same thing,but with the trach it is very hard for me to swallow anything thick or dryand when I lie in bed tickling in the back of my throat drives me crazy. I do much better when I eat things that are soft or mixed with soft things like meat or vegetables mixed with rice or pasta. Additionally,
Riccola cough drops have become my friend. I sleep with a bag in the bed. I go through almost four bags per week. and you can buy sugarfree that is very good and will keep you away from the dentist. hang in there!

Matt said...

I'd probably find a way to choke on the cough drops.

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