Thursday, September 10, 2009

What would Superman do?

I think I need to start reading more Superman.

I am not a fan. I remember being put off when I was a little kid by one comic in particular. In it another Kryptonian infected Lois Lane with an incurable disease and she got these huge purple splotches all over. It was nasty. The last panel showed Lois on the ground with the splotches everywhere, but her legs for some reason. Clark Kent sits next to her, head in hands saying "My God! The woman I love is dying ... and I've just killed the only man in the universe who can save her!!"

Lois with splotches was bad enough, but what a wuss. I mean Spidey may wallow in pity but not when his gal is dying. Superman could always fly around the world and reverse the rotation of the Earth, thus making time go backward.

That is one reason I dislike Superman: He is too powerful. He survives nuclear bombs, deep space, you name it. I know he didn't start out that way and various writers have put limits on his powers but he is pretty much invincible. What doe he have to worry about?

We also all know that Superman is a dick.

But he gets his power from the yellow sun of Earth, as opposed to Krypton's red sun.

As the sun starts setting earlier and with gloomier weather settling in, I sometimes feel like the sun gives me power, too.

I want to know how Superman survives at night or in the winter. Doe he store up the sun's energy? Does he fly to the other side of the world for a few hours every day?

I am sure that is explained in the comics and it might be information I can use.

For the record, I didn't remember all those details. Mom dug the book up for me, but I knew where it was: Superman 311 from 1977 "The Curse of the Antibiotic Man."


Anonymous said...

Do you want me to get you a bracelet that says WWSD?

Big windows, lots of light in the new digs.


Anonymous said...

you could just bask in the reflected brilliance of your relatives ...
or sit in the family room a lot
love you

Anonymous said...

Nice call sister! I like your suggestion even better!


Anonymous said...

I like Mary's suggestion, but you might get a burn from all that brilliance.


Matt said...

Bunch of nerds. If I think of one sister, I think of her son whose 4 fish are named Bubbleface 1, 2, 3 and 4. Or my other sisters, who each have sons who have planned escape routes for a zombie invasion. Or a brother who does not own a TV. Brilliance, indeed.

Anonymous said...

You'll be grateful to know us when the zombies come.

Anonymous said...

And we are brilliant because our minds have not been warped by the wily television demons!


Matt said...

I have more important issues than zombies. Bring them on, while I embrace the "wily television demons." Really demons on the side of angels.

Anonymous said...

And I notice that one sibling was conspicuous by his absence on that list.

Matt said...

Dude, don't make me start.

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