Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Damn cold

A friend of mine and I were IM'ing today and she asked "how are you?" I told her that "when your eyes well up when someone asks, it is probably a sign you are not OK."

I honestly don't even know why.

The cold is my first suspect. It is so chilling. I can't even take Claren out at night. My feet are like popsicles, and when I try to warm them up I burn myself. At least, that is what happened a few days ago. I put heating pad on my feet and turned it on high. When I got up a while later, my feet were just starting to get warm. My right ankle had a nice little burn on it.


Anonymous said...

i am recommending wool socks and having Claren sit on your feet. It is wicked cold. But the sun, when it is visible, has warmth in it. We are on the other side of the long cold days. Hang on.

m said...

the cold is miserable. why couldn't it feel warm? i'm sure there's nothing contradictory about that concept. maybe i'll copyright it and make bajillions. wait, wait...icy/hot has already been copyrighted. coldy/warm? can i take that?

(jess wilson mentioned she liked your blog a lot. so now i'm reading. and agreeing with her)

jess said...

It's funny - I just wrote a post today in which I mentioned that my daughter would live her life curled up on the heating grate in my kitchen if we let her. She walks around saying, 'i've gotta get warm.'

I agree that the cold is miserably pervasive. But as your first commenter mentioned, we're headed toward longer, warmer days - hard as that may be to believe right about now.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it mom who taught us that poem about "I heard a bird sing in the dark of December"?

Think radiant floor heat in the new house.



Anonymous said...

I have been avoiding the outside like the plague. But I guess it is the one good thing about working from home and not going to the office. I even have a little space heater. And wearing all kinds of heavy clothing while trying to drive a wheelchair is just a joke. I feel like a mummy!

Matt said...

On Christmas, I noticed my friend's service dog likes to lie on my friend's feet. My friend said I should teach Claren, and I could. But I think she is happier on the couch next to me, and I don't want to make her lie on the floor. I think waiting for spring is the answer.

M, welcome and thanks, if you make bajllions, can I get a cut? A small one?

And thanks, jess wilson. Your daughter is the light of the world. How can she be cold? Dang.

I don't remember the bird in December, but it is no doubt related to the "birdie with a yellow bill..."

I flung my scarf around my neck as I was going out to lunch. It hooked my joystick and I rammed into my desk. I briefly thought I might throw up, it hurt my knees so. I am with you on the chair stuff.

Anonymous said...

you should've seen me today. All bundled up trying to get in and out of the van and up-and-down curb cuts without hurting my broken leg. It was ridiculous! I am with you on the scarf buddy. It keeps you warm but it is hard to see and makes moving around, along with the jacket, just a disaster. It is like my joystick is hiding from me!

Matt said...

Damn scarves!

m said...

"if you make bajllions, can I get a cut? A small one?"

your post elicited the idea, so you're definitely a business partner. warm coldness. we're going to be rich, you and i.

Matt said...

Awesome, M!

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