Sunday, January 17, 2010

This is more like it

There are times, like going to the party last weekend, when doing something out of the ordinary works.

Then there are the other 99% of the times, like last night when I decided to soak my foot because it has a little infection.

I think that standing and transferring the way I do -- which often puts a lot of pressure on the front part of my foot by pushing it into say, a wall -- lead to my toes getting squished. Usually, they are good sports about this. But sometimes they rebel and my big toes develop ingrown toenails. The little toes are OK, although one of my pinkie toes has a nail that turned black.

I was sitting and soaking my foot Friday when I realized -- ZAM BANG BOOM -- I had to use the gentleman's room. Of course, I couldn't get there with my foot in water. Dad helped me get my foot out, but then I had to make a mad dash for the bathroom and well, I did not quite win the race, so to speak.

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