Tuesday, October 10, 2017

It's a wheelchair stall

I work with a guy who frequently asks me if he can use the wheelchair stall to change his clothes. I don't understand, particularly since one of my friends mentioned the gym in our building has a locker room, but I say yes.

I mention this not to make certain sisters angry. I am not using the stall. He is a nice guy. I am sure he thinks he is being kind.

But it is frustrating.

It requires me to judge my bladder -- not the most trustworthy of organs, not that I have a trustworthy organ.  How would you feel if a co-worker asked you if you had to go to the bathroom? That is essentially what I am being asked.

And believe it or not, wheelchair stalls are meant for wheelchair users to use to go to the bathroom, not for clothing changes.

I don't know how to say no. Mostly, I don't get how a nice person who knows and regularly helps me out can be so tone-deaf on a disability issue.

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