Monday, October 2, 2017

Hanging in there

At the end of my physical, my doctor said, well, you're hanging in there, which is really all you can say to someone who is generally healthy but does have a degenerative disease.

She was not cool with the medicine I am taking to slow my heart, so I need to revisit that with my cardiologist in a few weeks. She thinks it might play a role in me being out of breath.

She also said I might be breathing wrong or have some pulmonary problems. She didn't seem worried, though.

She also suggested I might have a parasite.

I said to her, I guess that's just how my body works. Not that I believe that. It is just better to say than, I guess I have kuru, even though I am not a cannibal from Papua New Guinea.

She replied: Maybe, unless you have a parasite.

Now I have that to worry about.

But I am in pretty good health, I know, except for the Friedreich's ataxia, the kuru, the parasite and the breathing problems.


Anonymous said...

Can I have your doctor’s contact info so I can tell her to never suggest anything in jest? At least she didn’t take one look at you and shout, “Good Lord!” xx as always jtg

Matt said...

He scarred me forever when he did that.

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