Tuesday, June 19, 2018

“Well, goddamn it, Matty, where doesn't it hurt?

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Marian is comforting Indy, but everywhere she to aches, he complains.

Exasperated, she yells, “Well, goddamn it, Indy, where doesn't it hurt?”

He points to an elbow, which she then kisses.

I was thinking my elbows are pretty clear, too, when wondering if anywhere on my body has never gotten a prescription medicine.

You see, I just got a prescription toothpaste. I didn’t know there was such a thing.

Other than my elbows, it’s iffy. My legs are out with restless legs. Major organs like the heart, brain, stomach and lungs are out. I’ve had Rx’s for my bladder, bowel, nose and eyes. I’d say my ears are clear, but what child doesn’t have at least one ear infection? My arms in general are OK, but my right hand burned badly as a child.

Plus, there is all the prescription pain relievers I have gotten, but never used.

I am a mess.

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