Saturday, May 22, 2010

I don't even mind Jar Jar Binks

I was going to write something tonight about how different it will be to live with a family again when I move into my new house. Mostly, I know it will be awesome, but doubtlessly some challenges will emerge.

Then I started watching Return of the Jedi. Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back. At first I was flipping between that and Office Space, but then I just had to leave Jedi on.

It is hip to mock Mark Hamill as wooden and decry the Ewoks as a stupid attempt to raise the cute level. OK, given that we are talking about Star Wars, maybe it is not hip.

But how can you not get goose bumps when Luke tells Jabba's majordomo, Bib Fortuna: "You will take me to Jabba now" and Bib does? How can you not tear up a bit when two Ewoks are hit by an explosion during the fight on Endor and only one lives?

I feel bad for the critics who grew up and forgot the wonders they experienced as kids.

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