Sunday, September 3, 2017

I'll tumble for ya, FA; I have no choice

I fell today.

It wasn't a particularly bad fall -- well, I wasn't hurt.

It wasn't a unique fall by any means. I had just used my urinal and before I could put my seatbelt back on, I fell forward. I tried to balance myself by putting my hand on the floor, but my wheelchair seat was raised so I couldn't really reach the floor. I did manage to keep my head from hitting anything, though, as I sprawled out on the bathroom floor. I also managed to tel "I'm OK" as soon as I heard someone in the other room leap up.

I remember similar falls and trying to balance with my hands. Once or twice, I have succeeded.

It is kind of depressing to find myself running out of falls I have never had before. Granted, there are still new ways I could tumble. But it means I have experienced so much because of Friedreich's ataxia.

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