Sunday, September 27, 2020

The latest

 Between the pandemic and all the other crap the nation faces, every time I want to power through and force myself to write, something new happens that leaves me wanting to sleep, play on my computer,read comic books or get in bed.

Last week, it was a neighbor calling the police on Fame. Really.

Because I need her to bark if I fall, I don't discourage barking when we play. The neighbor took exception.

The police suggested he talk to us first, so he did, I guess. He told us he called the police. I suspect the police were thinking he'd talk to us to negotiate.


Back to my baseball game.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

A visit

 A friend came over today, and we had a socially distanced chat in the backyard.

Not as easy as it sounds when you consider that

  1. I am pretty hard of hearing.
  2. My hearing aid microphone didn't work.
  3. Neither did my captioning app, too far away.
  4. And everyone cuts the lawn on Sunday morning, filling the neighborhood with noise.
But it was pretty great, depressing that this is what the future looks like but great.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Christmas comes early for Matty

Over the past month or so, I seem to be getting the hang of the sleep mask (only took a year). 

But while I can wear it more and more, it never fits right, so its effectiveness is not that great. My mouth often dries out, too, because the machine kicks up the pressure when the fit is bad to try to do its job.

It fits OK when I put it on, but I move when asleep (shocker).

I saw my sleep tech virtually last week, and she sent me a new mask to try for Christmas, she said. I was hoping it would be the and were. I am not giving up yet, but it hasn't been better.

I am still struggling. It is a challenge to write or do anything really. I just told a friend I need to just "power through it because I am not expecting a change soon."Ugh.

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