Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My nephew to the rescue

I do know better.

One hot day last week at lunch, Mom and I walked Fame around the block. I was wearing a black T-shirt.

Neither of those may have been the smartest plan but are not the thing that I know better than to do.

I like summer and the heat. Black T-shirts are OK.

No, what I know not to do is stare at Fame instead of where I am going.

But I did.

Which is how I wound up going off the  sidewalk at the house and a wheel and a half into the garden. I was stuck.

No one was home, but my nephew drove up and began helping. 

He was soon aided by a masked construction worker from a nearby site.

They and Dad got me freed, and the construction worker quickly left, leading me to wonder, “Who was that masked man?”

I soon saw my nephew delivering a cooler of cold Gatorade to some utility workers on my street.

A few days later, I saw my nephew out cutting our grass, and I had a thought about why he’s so awesome and so unlike me. He seems so comfortable being who he is.

As someone who’d change almost everything about himself, I am jealous.

1 comment:

Matt said...

My nephew read this. His only comment was that the cooler he brought to the utility workers was full of Gatorade, not water. This has been corrected. I find it hilarious that was his comment. He is so cool.

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