Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sleep therapy stinks

If I were to choose a week to represent my first quarter efforts at sleep therapy, it would be last week.

Last week, I wore the mask four hours or more for five days. This is moderately better than the past 90 days when the average was about 62%.  February was bad, which brought down my totals.

Similarly, my five hour a night average for all nights in Q1 was weakened by February. This week’s 5.5 hours is probably a better gauge. It is still lower than the 6.5 hours my doctor wants.

Only one night was a good fit. This means the mask did not leak badly, usually when I move while asleep. I got a grade of 79% this one night, a grade that would horrify me if I got it in school. Not much I can do about it, though, because I am asleep.

Restless legs remain the worst issue, and they were why I didn’t sleep much Sunday or Monday (with or without the mask).

On Tuesday, I fell asleep nearly two hours earlier than normal, with the mask. I also woke sup nearly 1.5 hours early with violent restless legs. I eventually used the lift to get on the floor for 30 minutes and pet Fame.

I hate sleep therapy.


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