Thursday, July 4, 2024

The worst

 It is bad that I have sleep apnea. 

It is worse that the apnea has advanced enough that I need to use a sleep machine. 

It is also rotten that the sleep machine I use was recalled in June  2021. Apparently pieces of the insulation were disintegrating and going down people's throats. I read somewhere that the company knew of this problem for a ticket but did not move to recall the machine or fix the problem until it became well known. If true, this surprises me not at all. I hold companies in general and this company specifically in very low regard. 

Mine was OK. 

In fact, my machine was not replaced until November of 2022. As requested when they sent the new one, I returned the old one using their pre-paid, pre-addressed label. Obviously, I didn’t request any tracking or keep it if I did.
 So this happened like 20 months ago. 

They eventually settled and are supposed pay each person who had a machine at least $100.

If you are like me, however, you might have an issue getting the money, and that is the worst. 

I'd began receiving email that said I needed to return the recalled device to get my money. The first time this happened we called and spoke to someone who gave us a claim number and said everything was OK. But I continued to get the email. And time is running out, so we called this week. 

The upshot was they are not gonna pay me because they say they have no proof it was returned. They want a tracking number from 20 months ago. 

I wonder how many people this huge, multinational company is screwing over.


Anonymous said...

Such bull. Just like big pharma .


Matt said...

the worst!

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