Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What the ...

Clothes is quite soft, even dirty clothes. It is still no fun to stick your head in a dirty-laundry basket, even if you don't get hurt.

I fell again today. Two falls in three days is more than usual, and I really hope I am not getting worse. I am sure my legs have gotten weaker and stiffer since I have not been horseback riding recently. I am supposed to start riding again soon, so I hope they get better. It makes me want to throw up to think they might not. It is just so hard to exercise, especially in the cold.

Anyway, I was pulling up my pants this morning, a struggle since I usually am seated. I had arched my body and it seemed to be going OK, but then one of my legs buckled and I was sliding down. My head landed comfortably in the laundry basket and stayed there far too long because my early attempts at getting up were hopeless. I am not the best hurrier. I may be the worst. The main issue (other than the dirty laundry) was that I was shirtless and trying not to scrape my bare-naked back on my wheelchair.

Finally, I got up. But I felt like I needed another shower, not from the dirty laundry, although that didn't help. I mean there were boxers in the basket; mine, sure, but still. Mainly, though, I wanted a shower because I was all lathered up and huffing and puffing.

That was not an option, though, so I went to work.

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