Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Telling people I don't hear well

The wheelchair clues people in that I have mobility issues, but I am thinking I need something for my hearing.

I went for a walk today at work with Claren, and I asked a few people if they wanted to join us. Two did, which means I mostly heard neither one.

I started to talk to Claren on the walk, not because I was bored with them, but I just could not hear them.

I know I can't hear well and hearing aids just amplify sound -- they can't really make it clearer. I didn't need the audiology appointment last week to tell me that. And one on one, I can keep up or ask people to repeat as needed. But I would need two people to repeat the whole conversation and this time to talk loudly and facing me.

Maybe the problem is I assume that most people I talk to a lot know I hear poorly. I wonder.

I don't really like telling people, though, about another failing.

And I am not getting one of those ear horns.


Anonymous said...

Is that last comment directed towards me? Maybe we could get a 2 for 1 deal for you and mom? On second thought...I don't need JDD to be putting things in his ears, plus he would probably think it is funny to yell into it. :)

I love you and will go for walks with you.


Anonymous said...

I don't know, Matt. The ear horn, the lap rug, the close to Mr. Potter.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you have to worry. Most people think individuals in wheelchairs cannot hear or speak or understand. I'm sure you've had the same experience that I have had. I am sitting right there and am with someone and the person we are talking to addresses the person next to me instead of me. For instance, a waiter or waitress will ask "what does she want?" I answer by saying "she can speak."

Matt said...

Mr. Potter did not have an ear horn. There was a funny story back during the start of the mortgage crisis that blamed it all on dreamers like George Bailey, who let people build their homes on credit, unlike the wise and judicious Mr. Potter.

And holy cow, sdt, who's the bitter one?

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