Monday, March 5, 2018

Surviving a temple blow

When I was younger, I thought a blow to the temple would kill you.

Today, I learned this was not true.

Sadly, I lessened this first-hand.

I was sitting on the toilet, and my arm was on the grab-bar for stability. The lights stayed on, but my arm didn't. It fell off the bar, and my head -- temple first -- flew into the metal box that holds toilet paper. Fortunately, the corners are rounded.

I checked for blood -- none -- picked up my hearing aid and went about my business.

But this wasn't even the worst injury of the day.

I rammed my left leg into my desk. I debated barfing -- it hurt so bad --but decided to just go about my day.

I survived, although when I got home and changed pants, there was blood and a swollen patella.

A bad day.

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