Monday, March 26, 2018

As careful as I wanna be

I am often accused of not being careful. I have good reasons, though, for being risky.

I do not turn off my chair when putting on my coat all the time because I don't like waiting for my chair to power back up. Same thing at my desk. Nine times out of 10 I am fine, and I'll take those odds.

I think to be disabled in the world of "accessible" apartments that are up steps, doors that aren't automatic, bathroom lights that inexplicable go out and similar things mandates risk. Unless you never get out of bed.

Of course, even at my most death-defying, I come nowhere near the young man in a video I saw recently. It was on Facebook and I can't embed it. But this guy is clinging a steep, long set of metal stairs in a manual chair. We holds on with one hand a rocks his chair up a step, then switches hands and does it again. If he lost his grip, he'd die.

Most of my issues would just break  bone or require stitches.

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