Wednesday, March 21, 2018

I will survive??

I haven't posted in a while because, you see, I was afraid. I was petrified. Still am, intact. And unlike Gloria Gaynor, I am not at all sure I will survive.

I went to the ER last Friday because my heart was beating rapidly and would not slow down. It didn't slow at the ER really either. It did when they gave me medication but as soon as they stopped, it went right back into A-fib.

So, for the first time since I was born, I was admitted to the hospital. Come to think of it, babies probably aren't admitted because technically the mother is admitted and the baby is in the mom .

Anyway, on Saturday they gave me a drug that has pages of side effects. The doctors hastened to assure us (me, Mom and my sister) that the drug is safe short term and is about the only option for those of us with low blood pressure.

They were going to release me Saturday, but my heart kept fluttering, threatening to go back into A-fib, so they kept me overnight.

I came home Sunday and was OK, but my heart messed up again Monday. We controlled that with an extra does of the medicine.  My primary care doc thought everything was OK on Tuesday, but the dumb snow today wiped out my cardio appointment.

The plan is to do something called an ablation, which starts in a very uncomfortable way and sounds like heart surgery.

And my will isn't done. If I die before leaving my niece all my comics, I will be pissed.

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