Sunday, February 8, 2009

I want to ride

I was reading a column in the latest issue of the Muscular Dystrophy magazine Quest. This guy came up with what he thought was a good reply to those who try to show him pity over something he can't do.

“You know, when there is a thing that I can do, I’m glad that I can do it. But when it’s something that I can’t do, I consider it just as well that I don’t have to.”

He went on to write about focusing on what you can do and doing them well rather than wishing you could do more. Whatever.

I wonder what he'd say about my trike riding.

I have never ridden well. I get passed by walkers; I have to stop a lot, my chain falls off, my foot pops off a pedal. But it is exercise for my legs, and Claren is with me.

I went for a ride today and it was pretty awful. My legs could hardly make one revolution on the pedals before they slipped and pushed the pedals backward. I stopped on the bike trail for a moment and this guy walked past me and told me I had to lose my pouch. I am not even sure what he meant but I so wanted to yell at him that he should feel free to suggest something I should do when he is in a wheelchair and not one fucking second before. Wow, I am bitter and defensive.

I don't want to give the trike up. I want to do it, but not if it takes me half-an-hour to ride half-a-mile. I will never "consider it just as well that I don’t have to.” But maybe I should.

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