Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dear Lindsey Vonn, I fell today too

My fall wasn't as costly as yours. I didn't lose a chance at an Olympic medal. I just lost a minute or two of time.

It also wasn't as public. You fell in front of a big crowd while skiing in the Olympics. I fell in the bathroom while getting ready for work.

One of your skis hooked a gate when you were skiing the slalom. One of my legs jumped when I was transferring from my shower bench to my wheelchair.

We were both OK more or less. I wonder what when through your mind. My thoughts ranged from "Not again" to "I'm fine" to "goddamnmotherfucker."

We both got up afterward, but I wonder if you had the same thought as me: I could just stay here on this floor/snow forever. Probably not.

Your ankle, which you had hurt earlier, throbbed after your fall. I wonder, though, if you are like me. For about 10 minutes after a fall and after I struggle to get up and sit there breathing heavily, adrenaline is pounding through me and I swear I could run around the block ... well, except I can't walk.

Then, of course, I feel like crap. But I am already up by that time, and so I go on. As I am sure you will to.


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