Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Lost writers, think about wheelchairs

I know it is just TV, but isn't Lost supposed to be the smartest show on television?

Perhaps, if the writers want to keep this reputation, they will shy away from wheelchairs in the future. (I suppose I have a spoiler or two in here, nothing dramatic.)

Don't get me wrong. Some of it is quite believable. More times than I can count I have been just like Locke: sitting there as person after person exited the plane until the plane was empty and they could bring in the aisle chair. It totally sucks, just like Locke's expressions said.

But why is Locke in a crappy airport chair? Surely, a man who cannot walk has his own chair?

And when he met Jack in the airport, I wanted to turn it off. (Not really,I like Lost, just don't think it is the be-all, end-all many fans think it is.)

I know Jack is a spinal surgeon who probably digs playing God, but when he asked Locke "Mind if I ask what happened to you," I was like: Oh, no he didn't.

He didn't just pop THE QUESTION, did he?

Sure, morons ask me, but doctors? .

And he said he only asked because he is a spinal surgeon, but even arrogant doctors know that people go in to wheelchairs for all kinds of reasons. Certainly not just reasons related to the spine.

I think the writers just wanted Jack to tell Locke nothing is irreversible and I hate that they used the wheelchair to get there.

1 comment:

D. Shaw said...

This is an excellent question. I wish I had thought of it first... Maybe Locke has some souped-up scooter that can only be picked up at baggage claim?

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