My point is I rarely stop what I am doing because of a cough. If I did, I'd get nothing done. If I did, I'd get nothing done.
I know most people disagree.
My swimming teacher makes me take an extra cough after I swallow water to make sure my pipes are clear.
Yesterday at physical therapy, I was reclining in my wheelchair when I coughed moderately, nothing awful. So I continued reclining.
My PT was sitting next to me and says, "It's probably not a good idea to recline when you are coughing."
This made me laugh, which caused me to cough all the more, because as I told her, it sounded just like something my sister would say. That's why I was leery of their meeting a while back.
I did sort of lie, though. My sister would say, "It's probably not a good idea to recline when you are choking."