Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Man-colds can kill

I guess technically, since I am a man and I have a cold, I have a man-cold.

A friend mentioned that her husband had a man-cold when I asked after her family. She was not sympathetic.

The only thing is: A cold might legitimately kill me.

There was the cough-drop incident. Coughing in my shower chair could tip it over. If I cough or sneeze with a computer on my lap -- now for instance -- the computer is likely to fly into my face. Same thing with hot liquid of any kind. Even is I am in my chair with my chest harness on, a cough or a sneeze can wreak havoc on my knees.

There is more, but I am feeling woozy from all the hard work of posting this.

I know I am betraying my gender by running this, but it makes me laugh.

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