Thursday, October 11, 2018

Careful as I wanna be does not mean stupid

My sister came into my room last night as Mom was helping me to bed.

As soon as I read this story, she more or less said, guess who I thought of? Mr. Careful as I wanna be. She didn't say the title with the awesomeness it deserves.

Since then, I have been trying to figure out how you could use a power wheelchair on an escalator.

My chair would be too lengthy for two steps, but I don't think the three wheels would rest well on three steps.

The guy was on an up escalator. The only way I can figure is if you turned around and tilted your chair as far back as it goes. You then might be able to maintain a level sitting platform despite the escalator's slant.

 But a reclined chair doesn't move, so I am not sure how you'd get off.

On a down escalator, you would not need to turn around, but the other issues would remain.

But all of my uncertainty about a wheelchair and an escalator will not lead me to attempt it.

1 comment:

Matt said...

It turns out my sister was not the only sibling to see that story and think of me. I have decided, though, that what they were thinking was:"What tragedy! Of course, Matty could have done it safely because his awesomeness knows no bounds."

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