Saturday, June 22, 2019

Sleeping without a T-437 Safety Command Console

I have sleep apnea. It has been quite minor, and one of the reasons I bought an adjustable bed was to further minimize it.

I took a at-home sleep study last month to confirm that and met with a doctor the other day to go over the results. But before I saw him, I started getting emails every day saying the test results were on the portal and to look at them.

The doctor would explain the results, so I tried to ignore he emails.  But they were persistent.

Finally, I did look, mainly to stop the emails.

My sleep apnea had become severe.

The doctor was very pleasant and informed, and I am going to go to a sleep lab to try masks. They said they are better now.

But this is what I expected (the doctor would be the guy from Oak Ridge):

1 comment:

Matt said...

yeah, I dont qualify

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