Sunday, May 31, 2020

Picking me up, family-style

Everyone in the house was watching Stepbrothers last night. It was nearing the time that Mom comes over to help me shower, so I left to use the bathroom.

I thought about asking my sister to use the lift to put me on the toilet, but I didn't want to interrupt her movie-watching experience.

Instead, I went by myself and promptly fell. I had to have Fame call for help, and the whole family came to help. My sister helped me, my brother-in-law operated the lift, my niece set the leg straps for the lift, and my nephew drove my wheelchair out of the way.

Instead of interrupting one movie-watching experience, I interrupted four. Nice.


Anonymous said...

So fortunately for us we live in the era of remotes with pause and rewind! And what I remember is people laughing and someone singing the theme song from the Wonderpets, "what's gonna work? teamwork!"


Matt said...

I thought that was from Dora.

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