Sunday, November 1, 2020

I'd rather be up late

I am OK with doctors not knowing Friedreich's ataxia. It is not a common disease, so explaining it is all right with me.

For instance, this new sleep doctor I saw last wouldn't even know why I was in a chair. Well, unless he read my chart.

He prescribed a sleep aid, and I explained some of my concerns. He said not to worry because it has a very short half life. I told him I was going to check with my neurologist. I also decided to ask my personal care physician. But before I did that, I decided to find a drug information form on the drug: Ambien.

And I learned, from a page on a government website, that ... Ambien (at least the generic) can cause ataxia in non-disabled people the day after taking it. Really.

[zolpidem can cause] prolonged reaction time, problems with coordination the day after you take it, and may increase the risk that you could fall.

I won't be taking it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't have to give a co-pay to that doctor. Ridiculous.

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