Saturday, February 5, 2022

Fried rice is hot

In the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico lives the at-risk dunes sagebrush lizard. It remains a point of contention between conservationists and energy companies, but eight or nine years ago the head of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service testified about the lizard and other issues before Congress. That gave rise to my favorite closed captioning error … until two weeks ago.

The dunes sagebrush wizard.

Google Chat topped it when I was meeting with someone at the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services to get help finding a good keyboard.

She asked my disability. I told her. She looked confused. Captions had rendered Friedreich’s ataxia as Fried Rice Sexy. Mom jumped in.

Dictation software probably won’t work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That tops it all. I am laughing so hard even though I know it is not funny for you. If I don't check, every time I say Terrace it comes out terrorist. And one time I was texting my sister and I forget what word it was, but I didn't review the text and it read that I was pregnant!

If people can travel into space, why the hell can't anyone invent good voice dictation with applications and platforms that you need to use for work? Boggles my mind. Of course I want to insert a curse word.

I think I might order some fried sexy rice!


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