Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I wanna be a rock 'n' roll star

My fellow diehard Springsteen fan co-worker went to the concert the next night, and while it was awesome, he said he might have traded nights after reading the setlists. Of course, he also went to the Toronto show because he was sort of nearby, so I don't feel bad for him.

After my ears have stopped ringing and the adrenaline has worn off, what I can't shake is how much I want to be Bruce Springsteen, or even one of the band. I have never seen one person command an arena full of people. Maybe old-time generals had that kind of charisma, but who is there nowadays? Not even athletes really, except Jordan-esque ones.

Springsteen exhorts people to clap and they do. He stands near them and they grab his feet like he is their savior. They know all the words; they sing along; they gesture with him.

I'm not sure he could drive these people from him if he tried. They love him. It must feel so incredible.

I can't think about it anymore. I have to go tape up the arms of my power chair so it is semi-usable tomorrow. It is so not a wheelchair of a rock star. No girlies will be hanging on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i see a whole crossover t.v. special in the making -- you meeting Bruce on the set of Pimp My Chair.

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