Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stupid nerves

I am the roughest, toughest hombre out there, but you'll have to take my word for it.

Last weekend, my shoulder started aching. That's nothing new at all. Sitting in an effing wheelchair will do that.

After the original pain, I treated it simply: Advil, heat, holding a ball that Claren was chewing so she tugged at my arm really hard.

That last treatment may not be AMA-approved, but I was sure it would help dislodge something. And it did. The pain that was confined to my shoulder started dripping down my arm and chest.

This turned out to be not so good. I never realized how connected the back of my arm was to my neck. I could feel the muscles in my arm shout when I tilted my head back. But that did get better.

I probably will not patent that treatment just yet, though, because the tips of my fingers are now tingly. My nerves suck on a regular basis if they work at all. I sure wish they would go back to not working and leaves my fingers alone. And my chest still hurts, too, right by armpit.

This does allow me to work on my pain tolerance, but what good is it if no one knows how much of a bada-- I am.

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