Friday, February 12, 2010

Fine! I have a lot of help

Counting our intern, we had four people working today. The only one who made it into the office, as opposed to working remotely, was me, the one person who an;t walk.

Of course, none of their moms made them lunch. None of their dads woke them up. And none of their brothers-in-law lifted them into big SUVs and drove them to and from work.


Anonymous said...

They are big sissys. You rock. You could take the easy way out so often and you don't choose to. I love you.


Anonymous said...

It's Shout-Out Week! I almost popped in to say hello tongiht, but was afraid you wouldn't care for teh surprise. -- Ellen

Matt said...

They are not sissys; they just don't have all the help I do.

The more you see Mom or I, the more likely you might realize we aren't all that. So I figured you were just trying to maintain the illusion of us as heroes, and you totally would have interrupted Smallville with Zatanna.

Anonymous said...

It takes a village.

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