Sunday, February 7, 2010

Friedreich's ataxia and snow don't mix

Snow really makes me want to walk.

I know I can't and should probably not dwell on it, but snow does and I do.

I want to post on Facebook pictures of my snow adventures except they'd basically all be the same, me sitting on a couch.

There was this morning when I went down the ramp and promptly got stuck. I sat there for an hour hoping the sun would free me before I called my sister. I had warned her earlier that I was stuck and it wasn't the only reason I sat there. I was also hoping Claren might run around but she seemed quite content to lie in the snow and chew her ball.

I did consider making this my FB status: "Snow really makes me want to walk." Boy, that would have been a downer, huh? Not to mention awkward, which would have been why I posted it. How do you respond to that comment? Can you "like" it? Can you reply? Can all you do is unfriend me?

But snow does make me want to walk, and because I get snowed in easily, I get plenty of time to think about it.

I want to walk her and see the neighborhood covered in snow. I want to clean the snow off Gram's boxwoods so they don't break like they did after the Christmas snow (and I don't want anyone else to clean them). I want to make a snow angel and get up after. A friend told me after the Christmas snow that I should have. I pointed out that I did want to be able to get up before spring. I want to shovel sidewalks and the driveway and feel the muscle pain that comes with hard work, kind of like the pain that sits in my legs when I do my toe raises.

I don't know which be madder at: the snow or my not walking. Neither, though, are likely to change because I want them to.


Anonymous said...

ok...I have now packed my bags on a guilt trip. Bushes cleaned...tomorrow.


Matt said...

NO! You have enough to do. I almost took that out because I didn't want you to do it. Pay some neighborhood kids and bill me. Seriously. I will be mad if you do it.

Anonymous said...

as if I am scared of you....


we have a snow day today, perhaps I break some trails for things 1 and 2 and they can help with their little brooms.


Anonymous said...

okay seriously, I miss snow angels and sledding and even skating, but I DO NOT miss shoveling! In fact I don't mind sitting in front of the fire so have your father make one.

Matt said...

Nice job on the bushes.

I was working -- no fire for me.

Anonymous said...

I am now going to stop complaining about being "stuck". I think you maybe make me a better person. You can be the patron saint of the easily grumpified. -- Ellen

Anonymous said...

Ellen...don't going saying sh*t like is going to go to his head.


Matt said...

TOO LATE! I make people better

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